Tram tickets and prices

Tickets can be bought onboard our trams from one of our friendly conductors, or you can purchase in advance through our mobile app.

Download now on Google Play and the Apple App Store!

We offer a range of daily, weekly and four-weekly ticket options. 

For combination bus and tram tickets, visit

Valid TravelMaster tickets (South Yorkshire connect, Citywide, Rotherham Connect) can be scanned and accepted for travel by our conductors. Additionally, we sell singles, returns and day tickets on tram.

Tram Singles & ReturnsSingleReturn
Adult Single- Short Journey£2.40£4.00
Adult Single - Longer Journey£2.80N/A
Child Flat Fare (Zoom Under 16 or
Zoom 16-18 pass required)

Zoom Beyond Flat Fare (Zoom Beyond pass
18-21 required)****

Tram Day TicketsTramApp
Adult Tram Day£5.40£5.00
Child Tram Day*£3.00£3.00
Group Tram Day**£11.00£10.50
Tram Only Flexi5 (bundle of 5 Tram day tickets, available to use any time within a month) N/A£20.00

7 Day Tram tickets
Adult Tram 7 Day
Child Tram 7 Day*
Group Tram 7 Day **

28 Day Tram tickets
Adult Tram 28 DayN/A
Child Tram 28 Days
Student Tram 28 Day*** N/A

* Child: Valid only with Zoom under 16  and Zoom 16-18

** Group: Up to 2 adults and 3 children

*** Valid on presentation of student entitlement: TOTEM, NUS, Sheffield Hallam University and University of Sheffield ID cards

**** Zoom Beyond pass required