South Yorkshire Transport User Group
We work closely with South Yorkshire Transport User Group which is made up of local people with a keen interest in public transport, who provide independent scrutiny of our region’s transport policies and priorities and champion the interests of passengers.
South Yorkshire Transport User Group meets four times a year at the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) Head Office in Sheffield and or virtually via MS Teams. Operators and representatives from South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority regularly attend these meetings.
South Yorkshire Youth Combined Authority meet regularly and discuss transport matters and gather the views, and learn from the experiences, of the next generation of public transport users. This group of young people, drawn from Youth Councils and Cabinets across the four districts, gives feedback on our plans and projects and act as ambassadors for public transport in the region.
Transport4All was established by Sheffield City Council. This pan-disability user group champions the interests of all disabled people focusing on access to public transport in Sheffield. The group meets quarterly to discuss issues around equal access to public transport for all with the council, SYMCA and operators.
Join our South Yorkshire User Group
We’re always looking for new people to help us to shape a public transport network which meets the needs of our region. If you are interested in attending the South Yorkshire Transport User Group, please contact the Communications and Marketing Team at or call 0114 221 1491.
Previous minutes
Minutes from the South Yorkshire Transport User Group from January 2020 onwards are available below; details of meetings prior to this are available on request.