New mural at Chapeltown station
A vibrant mural welcoming visitors was unveiled during a Community Rail event on Market Street to celebrate all things Chapeltown, community and the railways.
The mural, designed and painted by ArtWorks, adds colour to a plain brick wall and is hoped will help reduce antisocial behaviour at the site. It features a Welcome to Chapeltown message and a stylised train to reflect the connection between the railways and local area.
The artwork is boarded by leafy vines to highlight a key focus of the Friends of Chapeltown Station group - the environment and biodiversity, which can be seen in their blossoming platform planters, and the village of bat, bird and bug homes they’ve introduced.
Community Rail Officer Cathrine Ashworth, who helped to promote and organise the event and wider projects, said:
"What the Friends of Chapeltown Station have achieved is testament to their drive, creativity and community focus.”
“They have helped with the creation of not only this stunning mural but also floral displays, repainting all the station fencing and railings, organising community hosted real time rail and bus screens, building shelters for wildlife as well as soon-to-be-unveiled heritage boards – a group of dedicated and welcoming people.”
If anyone lives in Chapeltown and would like to get involved or would like to form a group for their own station please contact Cathrine Ashworth, as she can put you in touch with existing groups or help you form a new one.