Travel South Yorkshire Park and Ride Terms and Conditions
Free parking - Permitted use
Maximum stay 48 hours
By using these facilities, you agree to the terms of use and Parking Charges will be payable in the event of a failure to comply with them.*
Petrol and Diesel
Standard bays only.
Parent & Child
Parent & child bays and standard bays only.
Blue Badge Holders
Disabled bays & standard bays only, EV bays when charging – valid blue badge must be displayed at all times.
Electric or Plug In Hybrids
EV vehicles bays only when charging – charging fees apply. Standard bays when not charging.
Standard bays only.
Vans / Light or Heavy Goods
Up to 7.5 tons – standard bays only. Over 7.5 tons not permitted.
Minibus and Coach
Up to 16 seats – standard bays only. Over 16 seats not permitted.
Caravans, Campervans or Trailers
Not permitted.
Parking outside of a marked bay, overnight camping or sale of goods is not permitted. Any vehicle left over 21 days will be deemed as abandoned and reported to the local authority.
*If you fail to comply with any of the terms of use may issue you with a Parking Charge Notice requiring you to pay a Parking Charge, (the ‘Parking Charge’) and any associated administrative and/or debt recovery costs incurred in seeking to recover and/or enforce the Parking Charge. The amount of debt recovery costs claimed (excluding any legal expenses) is limited to the maximum sum permitted under the BPA Code of Practice. If you fail to comply with any of these conditions you will be issued with a parking charge notice and agree to pay the parking charge of £80 within 28 days reduced to £40 paid within 14 days. This car park is monitored by ANPR and CCTV. SYMCA may apply to the DVLA for details of the registered keeper. For full details of SYMCA’s car park terms and privacy notices, report any issues or find more information, please visit or contact us.